20346D Module 7 Lab

20346D Module 7 Lab

Lab 7: Administering Exchange Online


With Exchange Online now implemented as part of the Deploy Phase, Lucerne Publishing is administering its user accounts both in the cloud and on-premises. Heidi has moved on to manage protection policies, which are very important for the company. She is implementing personal archives, together with anti-spam and anti-malware settings. To assist in communicating with different associates and contacts, she is also setting up mail contacts and mail users in Exchange Online. 


By the end of this lab, you should be able to:

Configure personal archive polices, customize retention tags, and apply retention policies.

Set anti-malware and anti-spam policies in line with company requirements.

Add external user email addresses as both mail contacts and mail users.

Create and schedule events with resource mailboxes.

Lab Setup

Estimated Time: 120 minutes 

Virtual machine: 20346C-LUC-CL1

Username: Student1

Password: Pa$$w0rd

Where you see references in the steps to lucernepublishingXXXX.onmicrosoft.com, you should replace XXXX with the unique Lucerne Publishing number that you are assigned when you set up your Office 365 accounts in Module 1, Lab 1B. 

Where you see references to labXXXXX.o365ready.com, you should replace XXXXX with the unique O365ready.com number you are assigned when you registered your IP address at www.o365ready.com in Module 2, Lab 2B. 

Exercise 1: Configure Personal Archive Policies


Lucerne Publishing is a company that does a lot of emailing with increasingly large attachments. The organization also needs to retain content for a considerable length of time without clogging up mailboxes. Hence, the archiving feature in Exchange Online was particularly appealing. The plan is to enable archive mailboxes for users and then configure additional retention polices so that folders such as Sent Items are regularly cleared out to the users online archives. 

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Enable Personal Archive for Mailboxes

2. Use Personal Archives

3. Create a Retention Tag in Exchange Admin Center

4. Create a Custom Retention Tag in PowerShell and Add Tags to a Policy

5. Apply Policies to Folders and Messages

Task 1: Enable Personal Archive for Mailboxes

1.     In your lab, switch to LUC-CL1 if you are not there already. 

2.     Ensure you are logged on as Student1 with a password of Pa$$word

3.     On LUC-CL1, on the taskbar, click Internet Explorer, and navigate to login.microsoftonline.com

4.     In User name and Password, enter hleitner@labXXXXX.o365ready.com (where XXXXX is your unique O365ready.com number) and Pa$$w0rd, respectively. 

5.     On the taskbar, right-click Internet Explorer and select Start InPrivate Browsing

6.     Navigate to login.microsoftonline.com

7.     In Username and Password, enter cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com (where XXXXX is your unique O365ready.com number) and Pa$$w0rd, respectively. 

8.     On the page which says at the top, �Install Office 2013 on your PC,� scroll down and select the


Note that you may have a message about an account error.

9.     Click the �Settings� icon (Gear wheel) in the bar at the top.  Click Options

10.  In Options, click Connected accounts

11.  Click cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com (where XXXXX is your unique O365ready.com number), and then click the Delete icon (Trash can). 

Note: You may need to refresh your browser at this point. 

12.  In the warning message, click Yes

13.  Click the arrow next to Options to go back to Outlook. 

14.  Switch to Heidi Leitner�s session, click the icon with the nine squares and select the Admin tile. Scroll down to Adminon the left and click Exchange

15.  In Recipients, click Coralie Emond, and in the right-hand pane, under In-Place Archive, click Enable

16.  In the warning message, click Yes

17.  In the right-hand pane, under In-Place Archive, click View details

18.  Note the warning. Click OK

19.  View the information in Archive mailbox

20.  Click Cancel

21.  Switch to the InPrivate session of Internet Explorer. 

22.  Click Coralie Emond and click Sign Out

23.  Close Internet Explorer.

Task 2: Use Personal Archives

1.     Open an InPrivate session of Internet Explorer and navigate to login.microsoftonline.com

2.     In User name and Password, enter cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com (where XXXXX is your unique O365ready.com number) and Pa$$w0rd, respectively. 

3.     Click the Mail tile. 

4.     Under Folders on left, click More

5.     If you click on the In-Place Archive - Coralie Emond folder, you may get a message saying Your archive appears to be unavailable. Please try again later.Click OK

6.     Switch back to Heidi Leitner�s session. In the Office 365 admin center, if necessary, slect Admin, then click Exchange. In the Recipients node, select Coralie Emond and on the right, under InPlace Archive, click View details

Notice that the warning message may still appear. This is a timing issue. Click OK to dismiss it. Then, click Cancel.


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