20346D Module 6 Lab

20346D Module 6 Lab

Lab 6: Configuring DNS Records and Migrating to Exchange Online


Lucerne Publishing is now well into the Deploy phase and is in the process of adopting Office 365. The company needs to ensure that the cutover migration to Exchange Online is successful and that the DNS records for Office 365 are correctly configured. In addition, it needs to verify that all parent and subdomains have been added, and that the service records for different Office 365 services have been configured. 


The objectives of this lab are to:

Add and configure domains and subdomains in Office 365. 

Carry out the cutover migration to Exchange Online.

Configure DNS records for Exchange, SharePoint and Lync in Office 365.

Lab Setup

Estimated Time: 120 minutes

Virtual machine: 20346C-LUC-CL1

Username: Student1

Password: Pa$$w0rd

Where you see references in the steps to lucernepublishingXXXX.onmicrosoft.com, you should replace XXXX with the unique Lucerne Publishing number that you were assigned when you set up your Office 365 accounts in Module 1, Lab 1B. 

Where you see references to labXXXXX.o365ready.com, you should replace XXXXX with the unique o365ready.com number you were assigned when you registered your IP address at www.o365ready.com in Module 2, Lab 2B. 

Exercise 1: Perform a cutover migration to Exchange Online


If Coralie Emond is feeling under pressure, she�s trying hard not to let it show. Because Coralie is the Exchange guru at Lucerne Publishing, Heidi has decided that she should perform the Office 365 cutover migration, supported by Alain Richer. Coralie will also need to configure DNS domains with Office 365. 

To carry out this process, she needs an administrator account on-premises and a global administrator account on Office 365. She also needs to access the on-premises DNS console and be able to reconfigure mail exchanger, canonical name and address records. 

When she has completed the cutover migration, Coralie must configure DNS records for the Office 365 services and verify that those records are accessible. 

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1.     Connect an Online Account to on-Premises Exchange Account

2.     Add a Custom Domain to Office 365

3.     Add a Subdomain to Office 365 and Change the Default Domain

4.     Appoint a Migration Administrator

5.     Create a Migration Endpoint in Office 365

6.     Change User Principal Names to Ensure Migration

7.     Perform the Batch Migration

8.     Clean Up the Batch Migration

Task 1: Connect an Online Account to on-Premises Exchange Account

1.     On LUC-CL1, on the taskbar, right-click Internet Explorer and click Start InPrivate Browsing  Note: You use an InPrivate browsing session so that you can log on with a separate set of credentials. 

2.     In the InPrivate session, type https://mail.labXXXXX.o365ready.com/owa (where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number) and press Enter. 

3.     In Domainuser name, enter LUCERNELCartier and in the Password field, enter Pa$$w0rd, then click Sign in. 

4.     If you receive a pop-up, click Continue to this Web site.

5.     If requested, set your language to US English and your time zone to Coordinated Universal Time, and then click Save

6.     In Luc Cartier�s session, click New mail and in the To field, enter Coralie Emond. Add a subject and suitable text and click Send

7.     In Internet Explorer, click New tab and then navigate to outlook.office365.com

8.     Log on as Cemond@lucernepublishingXXXX.onmicrosoft.com (where XXXX is your unique Lucerne Publishing number) with a password of Pa$$w0rd

9.     If requested, set your language to US English and your time zone to Universal Time, then click Save

10.  Review the Inbox and confirm that none of the messages from Luc Cartier are there. 

11.  On the right-hand side, click the Settingsicon (Gear wheel) and click Options

12.  In Account, click Connected accounts

13.  In Connected accounts, click the + sign. 

14.  On the Connect your email account page, enter cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com(where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number) as the Email address and a Passwordof Pa$$w0rd, and then and click OK

15.  On the Connect your email account page, click OK to acknowledge that email is being imported and can take awhile.  

16.  On the Connected accounts page, click Change default reply address, from the drop-down menu, select cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com(where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number), and then click Save

17.  Under Connected accounts, note the status of the cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com account is either Downloading, or if the download has completed, it will be OK

18.  Click the arrow next to Options in the left corner to return to the Mailbox page. 

Note that the emails from the on-premises server are now appearing in Exchange Online.

19.  Click one of Luc Cartier�s messages and click REPLY

Note: The From field should be displayed. (If it does not, click the ellipsis button and click Show from. )

20.  Note that the From field is set to cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com, (where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number) 

Note: If the From field does not display the correct account, discard the reply, wait about 5 minutes and try the reply again. This is really quirky and can take some time. If it still does not display properly, go back to Options and change the default reply address to automatic and Save. Then, change it back to the correct address. It will take a few moments for the accounts to sync properly. Also, you can try to reply to a different message from Luc Cartier.

21.  When the From field displays the correct information, enter some text in the body of the message and click SEND

22.  Switch to Luc Cartier�s session and check that the message has arrived. Note that the message is sent on behalf of cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com(where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number). 

23.  Click Reply and note that the Reply address is cemond@labXXXXX.o365ready.com(where XXXXX is your unique o365ready.com number). 



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