404 Not Found

404 Not Found

unirow As of today starting from 05.00Am-until this articles was written, the website of www.arick.net is down due to migrating Name server from the Old Name server to the New one.
as we may already know, migrating DNS could take very long time up to two days. the old Name server are still in use and the new one is still not active yet. Managing domain from the old services is really easy but with more visitor to this site, as the webmaster, I decided to move my name server because there are delay in the old name server because of the crowd visiting this site.^_^
with many visitor gather around for some activities like reading and commenting, I do consider to get the new Hosting plan for this site. this site is powered by blogger and the services is great. the uptime are truly awesome.

back to 404 Not found, the site is lost of some visitor, I have sent some of them an email telling them about my decision which caused the site to display �404 Not found�. the careless plan have been gave me some lessons. the action should not make some bad situation like as this time. I do apologize for causing such trouble. let�s hope I didn�t make the wrong decision again.
to be honest, I don�t have any backup plan for such situation. I just yelled all the times to my self, �this is bad and you should learn from this situation�.
if the problem still occur after 24 hours, there might be some bad news. if 48 hours have passed and the problems still persist, then, i will contact the Customer Services. Let�s hope the problem will be eliminated in no more than 24 hours.
I�ll make some review based on what i feel and what I got from the company who Manage my DNS Services. I hope I�ll write some good review based on good things i got. or else, I�ll write the bad things based on what I got. it depends on what happen to this site. but, as a note, I�ll make review if I want to and if I fell want to make it. If i don�t feel like want to write some review, don�t bother ask me. ^_^
some of my friends in Facebook have been telling me about 404 Not Found but i pretend there is nothing wrong with my site. I just said if there are something wrong with the browser they used. they believe my joke and start downloading new user. after they realize 404 not found still happen in new browser they have downloaded, they found out if i was joking with them. well, looks like i could still make my visitor smile by joking with with the error in my site. ^_^
luckily, the two of my site was moved to the new DNS name server with smooth process. www.arick.net is never down and this is the first time it down for really long times. what should I do? i�m fasting now and still waiting for the domain to be active as soon as possible. I even make a competition with all my friends in facebook on who is the first time which will be able to watch this site online again. there are prices. i�ll give the price based on the records in the domain registrar. I could identify when the exact time my domain back online and the user who have the print screen of it will have a right to claim the prices. it sounds really interesting for both of my visitor and me. at least I could wait it with lots of smile. ^_^
the problem will be fixed and hope you enjoy reading my useless articles in this poor site.
while the site is down, let�s eat some foods and after it back online again,  the feedback regarding this error is really appreciated.


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