20533C Module 1 Lab Answer Key
20533C Module 1 Lab Answer Key
Lab: Managing Microsoft Azure
Exercise 1: Using the Azure portals
Task 1: Use the Azure classic portal
1. | Ensure that you are signed in to the 20533C-MIA-CL1 virtual machine as Student with the password Pa$$w0rd. You should have already run the preparation script in the �Preparing the environment� demonstration at the beginning of the module. Setup time should be less than one minute. |
2. | On the taskbar, click the Internet Explorer shortcut. |
3. | In Internet Explorer, in the address bar, type https://manage.windowsazure.com, and then press Enter. |
4. | On the Microsoft Azure sign in page, enter the email address with which your Azure account is associated, and then click Continue. |
5. | On the Sign in page, type the email address and password you set up for this course, and then click Sign in. |
6. | On the Azure classic portal page, in the navigation bar, scroll down, and then click SETTINGS. |
7. | On the settings page, click ADMINISTRATORS, and then at the bottom of the pane, click ADD. |
8. | In the EMAIL ADDRESS box, type a random email address ending with @outlook.com, select the check box to select the free trial subscription, and then click the check mark icon. Note: You may have to add a new user to your Active Directory for this co-administrator if the outlook.com email address does not work. Note: Observe that the email address you typed is now listed as the co-administrator. An email containing an invitationto act as co-administrator has been sent to this email address. |
9. | On the Azure classic portal page, in the navigation bar, click ACTIVE DIRECTORY. |
10. | In the active directory pane, click Default Directory. This is the default Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) instance for your subscription. |
11. | On the Let�s talk about Azure AD page, deselect all checkboxes and then click the checkmark at the bottom of the page. Note: Ignore this step if the Let�s talk about Azure AD page does not display. |
12. | On the Default Directory page, click USERS. Note the two accounts that are listed: your account and the co-administrator account you created earlier. |
13. | On the Default Directory page, click DOMAINS. Note the name of the default domain for your subscription displayed in the Default Directory pane. |
Task 2: Use the Azure portal
1. | In Internet Explorer, on the Azure classic portal page, at the top of the screen, click Check out the new portal, and then click Launch. If you do not have the Azure classic portal open, go to https://portal.azure.com. |
2. | On the Dashboard page, at the top of the screen, click Edit dashboard. |
3. | On the Dashboard page, on the All resources tile, click the ellipses (�), and then click 4x6 (if available). |
4. | On the Dashboard page, on the Service health tile, click the ellipses (�), and then click 2x4 (if available). |
5. | On the Dashboard page, at the top of the screen, click Done customizing. |
6. | On the Dashboard page, on the Hub menu, click More Services (bottom left), and then click the star beside Storage accounts. |
Task 3: Use the account page of the Azure portal
1. | In Internet Explorer, in the address bar, type https://account.windowsazure.com, and then press Enter. |
2. | On the Account page, click SIGN IN. |
3. | On the Sign in page, type the email address and password you set up for this course, and then click Sign in. |
4. | On the Account portal page, click subscriptions (if you are not already on that page). |
5. | On the subscriptions page, click the subscription you are using for this course. View the billing summary for your subscription on the page. |
6. | On the subscriptions page, on the right side of the screen, click Download usage details. |
7. | On the Summary for Azure Pass page, click Download Usage, and then click Version 1. |
8. | In Internet Explorer, when prompted whether to open or save the .csv file, click Open. |
9. | When prompted, How do you want to open this file? Click Notepad and then click OK. |
10. | View the contents of the file in Notepad. Note that this is intended to simply review its content � typically to analyze it in more details, you would use Microsoft Excel or other program capable of parsing csv files. |
11. | Close Notepad. |
12. | On the Account portal page, click Preview features. |
13. | On the Preview features page, find a preview feature and click try it now. |
14. | In the Add Preview Feature window, click the check mark to approve the preview feature. After the window closes, note the status of the feature (You are queued). |
Result: After completing this exercise, you will have used the Azure portals.
Exercise 2: Using the Azure Resource Manager features in the Azure portal
Task 1: Create and manage a resource group
1. | In Internet Explorer, in the address bar, type https://portal.azure.com, and then press Enter. | ||||||
2. | In the Azure portal at the left of the page, click Resource groups. | ||||||
3. | On the Resource groups blade, click Add. | ||||||
4. | On the Resource groups blade, type the following values, and then click Create: | ||||||
Task 2: Create Azure resources
1. | On the Azure portal page, click New (or the + symbol at top left of the page), click Storage, and then click Storage account. |
2. | On the Create storage account blade, in the Name box, type a unique name for the storage account you are creating. You can use the current date and your initials to create a unique value in the format storageMMDDYYYYab. Note: For example, a student named Ed Meadows might use storage04252016em. All alphabetical characters must be lowercase. |
3. | In the Resource Group section, click Use existing then click the dropdown box, and then click TestRG1. Select the checkbox for Pin to Dashboard. |
4. | In the Location list, select the location you have been using for the course, and then click Create. Note the progress of the storage account creation on the dashboard. Wait until the creation is complete before moving to the next task. |
Task 3: Configure tagging
1. | If the Resource Groups blade is not already showing, on the Hub menu, click Resource groups. |
2. | On the Resource groups blade, click TestRG1, and then in the Settings blade for TestRG1, click Tags. |
3. | On the Tags blade, in the Key box, type project, and then in the Value box, type Test. Click Save then close the TestRG1 -Tags blade. |
4. | Click the TestRG1 link and then on the TestRG1 blade, click storageDDMMYYYYab, and then in the settings blade (left of the storageDDMMYYYYab pane), click the Tags icon. |
5. | In the Tags pane, in the Key box, type project. In the Value box, type Test. Click Save. |
6. | In the Tags pane, click the ellipses (�) next to project: Test, and then click Pin to dashboard. |
7. | On the Azure portal page, in the upper left, click Microsoft Azure to go to the Dashboard page. Note: you can click on Microsoft Azure at the top left of the page to go to the Dashboard. |
8. | On the Dashboard page, click the project:Test tile. View the resources associated with this tag. |
Task 4: Configure RBAC
1. | On the Azure portal page, in the upper left, click Microsoft Azure to go to the Dashboard page. |
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