
Showing posts from April, 2017

3D Character Animation Maker

3D Character Animation Maker 3D Character Animation Maker Nito is a unique, fun and easy way to create and share animated 3D character video messages with friends. Nito tracks your face expressions, movements and voice, and mimics them in real-time on a 3D avatar. Surprise your friends with a variety of characters: aliens, animals, monsters, cartoon characters and more. Real-Time Face Animation in 3D Use the camera on your phone, tablet or computer to animate a 3D avatar in real-time. NITO 3D character animation maker uses your iPhone and iPad camera to capture your face movement, expression and process through its advanced, patent-pending facial tracking technology and brings the power and creativity of top 3D animation studios to you. Use your own facial expressions, movements and voice to control the character of your choice. Create videos, role-play, and share across social media and messaging. Have fun bringing your own unique gestures to your favorite characters and scenes. ...

2012 KPSS Sonuçları Açıklandı!!!

2012 KPSS Sonuçları Açıklandı!!!   �SYM taraf?ndan 7-8 Temmuzda ger�ekle?tirilen A Grubu Lisans Kamu Personel Se�me S?nav Sonu�lar? 11 A?ustos  saat 16.00da �SYMnin sitesinden a�?klanacakt?r. KPSS sonucunuzu �?renmek i�in t?klay?n?z. Kaynak:�SYM


36481 ?????????? J-Rock Visual Kei Indie Band Members : Vocal: Keiruu (? ???) [ ? 36481? ] Guitar: Mai (?? ???) [ ? 36481? ] Bass: Yuura (? ??) [ ? 36481? ] Drums: Yasuno (?) [ ? 36481? ] Status: Paused Since: 2004 Last.FM JaME fiction (2004.03.10) [ Single ] Purchase/Comprar CDJapan Ref/Description: DAKPSIS-50021 Tracklist: 1. Rock 2. Mateki 3. LINDA ~candy dive pinky heaven~ 4. Onpu no Tegami 5. un natural high (Type B Track) Download | 4Shared | MEGA Related Bands:  Kra, Shelly Trip Realize, Dollis Marry, Clavier, GIVUSS, Panic Channel, Ichigo69, SCISSOR. Ultima atualiza��o: 2013.05.19 Last update: 2013.05.19


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360 Rise of the Tomb Raider

360 Rise of the Tomb Raider Featuring epic, high-octane action moments set in the most beautifully hostile environments on earth, Rise of the Tomb Raider delivers a cinematic survival action adventure where you will join Lara Croft on her first tomb raiding expedition. Explore Awe-Inspiring Deadly Tombs - Huge ancient spaces littered with deadly traps, solve dramatic environmental puzzles, and decipher ancient texts to reveal crypts as you take on a world filled with secrets to discover. Woman vs. Wild - Conquer a world fiercely protecting its secrets, endure perilous conditions and unstable landscapes, face dangerous wildlife that act as guardians to ancient tombs, and explore huge interactive environments. Guerrilla Combat - Use the environment to your advantage, scale trees and dive underwater to avoid or takedown enemies, configure Laras gear, weapons, and ammo to suit your play style, craft explosives on the fly to sow chaos, and wield Laras signature combat bows and climbing axe...

20533 Lab 3 gotcha

20533 Lab 3 gotcha There is an error in the Powershell script for Lab 3 Creating the Linux VM #This code populates the $osimage variable with the name of the current SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 image $linuximage = (Get-AzureVMImage | where {$_.ImageFamily -like "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3"}  | where {$_.ImageName -like "suse*"} | sort PublishedDate -Descending)[0].ImageName you need to remove a section of code so it reads: #This code populates the $osimage variable with the name of the current SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 image $linuximage = (Get-AzureVMImage | where {$_.ImageFamily -like "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4"}  |  sort PublishedDate -Descending)[0].ImageName

4 59 High Time for Heroics

4 59 High Time for Heroics Mature and Mortalsend prepare to execute Lord Rhyolith, Firelands Pokemon Trainers Are Lousy Humanitarians The next raid weekend of August 5th and 7th gave us an opportunity to bask in the glory of a full Firelands clear. We took our time, relaxed, and raided with the intent on simply gearing. This was an opportunity for some guildies to take a break, if needed. Fred, Turtleman, and even Blain himself took a weekend off. I encouraged it, and appreciated that they were able to wait until getting over the hump before invoking vacation. Jungard took on raid leadership in Blains absence, and he, in turn, used the opportunity to boost Bonechatters real-world experience as melee lead. Training your replacement seems depressing, but it is a necessary evil. You do it when you care about your group, even if it means you wont be a part of the group much longer. For as many virtual flips of the middle finger that guildies gave me over the years, I took comfort that the ...

467 Sombras que desvanecem

467 Sombras que desvanecem 467 Sombras que desvanecem Para salvar o arquivo mp3 clique com o bot�o direito do mouse sobre o t�tulo da postagem e salve o arquivo. Os v�deos podem ser encontrados em Acompanhe no iTunes.

20346D Module 1 Lab Answer Key

20346D Module 1 Lab Answer Key Lab 1A: Setting up the Lucerne Publishing Datacenter Environment Scenario In this preliminary lab, you set up Lucerne Publishing�s datacenter for their �on-premises� infrastructure. This process requires students to set up a Windows� Live ID. If students have not yet completed this, they should do so now by performing the first task in Exercise 1. Students can skip this task if they have already completed these steps. There are existing virtual machines in the LODS environment that represent both the Lucerne Publishing datacenter and the Lucerne Publishing corporate network. Each student in the classroom will have their own environment and unique public IP address, which means that Exchange can be migrated to Office 365 and Single Sign-On (SSO) can be enabled from any computer. Objectives By the end of this lab, you will have: �Signed up for a new Windows Live ID. �Reviewed the Lucerne Publishing datacenter environment. Lab Setup Estimated Time: 10 minute...

2TB Umbau Playstation 4 Anleitung

2TB Umbau Playstation 4 Anleitung Ist ein wenig OT aber wenn ich zu lesen bekomme "unter Windows, bei Linux k�nnte es Probleme geben", dann muss ich etwas dazu schreiben, da es einfach unwahr ist! Um dem Umbau soll es nicht in erster Linie gehen, da es sehr gute Anleitungen direkt bei Youtube gibt - es geht hier viel mehr um den USB-Stick, welcher richtig vorbereitet werden muss, da das System nach dem Umbau nicht installiert werden kann. Beim Saturn gab es die Seagate STBX2000401 f�r 72�, eine externe Festplatte und drin steckt eine  Samsung ST2000LM003 SATA III Festplatte, welche wir f�r unsere PS4 verwenden k�nnen. Warum kaufe ich nicht gleich die Festplatte? Mit dem Geh�use kostet es mich mind. 25� weniger und ich erhalte ein USB 3.0 Geh�use f�r 2,5 Zoll Festplatten. Sucht einfach bei Youtube nach " STBX2000401 PS4 " und Ihr bekommt sehr gute Anleitungen f�r den Umbau. Ihr habt (sobald das Geh�use ge�ffnet wird) keine Garantie, deshalb w�rde ich die Festplatte...

3 17 Blizzards Second Mistake

3 17 Blizzards Second Mistake Concept Art for Thaddius Copyright � Activision/Blizzard Raiding Under Duress I was wound up like a Warp-Spring Coil. We had been making a concerted effort to wrap up Heroic: Glory of the Raider before the patch obliterated any remaining opportunity. The entire raiding landscape had changed, and we were now accustomed to the changes Blizzard had implemented. In days gone past, we would spend weeks and weeks on a single boss, practicing a mechanic, wiping, running back, repeating the process. All of that was gone . Now, an entire instance could be cleared in an evening . And, unlike many of the despondent players who felt raiding was now a lost cause, we had deciphered the subtext to establish purpose -- it was no longer about clearing an instance, but about the way in which you cleared it . Do it normally, and you impress no one. You get in, you see the content, you get out...end of story. Do it under extreme conditions, however, and the prestige of achiev...

3 in 1 Funny PSP Themes

3 in 1 Funny PSP Themes This 3 in 1 funny psp themes pack contain with 3 cool themes of smiley face, garfield and simpson. Grab all these PSP themes from one download link below. Download 3 in 1 Funny PSP Themes

30 dicas e truques para o Windows 7

30 dicas e truques para o Windows 7 Acompanhe aqui 30 super dicas que talvez possa te ajudar um dia!!, o 7 � cheio de surpresas. E ent�o? vamos conhece-las...   1. Gerenciamento de janelas Voc� provavelmente viu que o Windows 7 facilitou bastante o gerenciamento de janelas: agora � poss�vel grudar a janela do lado esquerdo ou direito da tela simplesmente movendo-a para as bordas. Al�m disso, voc� pode mover a janela para o topo da tela para maximiz�-la, e dar um duplo-clique na borda superior ou inferior da janela para maximiz�-la verticalmente. Essas a��es est�o dispon�veis em teclas de atalho tamb�m: WinKey + Seta para esquerda  e  WinKey + Seta para direita  = gruda WinKey + Seta para cima  e  WinKey + Seta para baixo  = maximiza e restaura/minimiza WinKey + Shift + Seta para cima  e  WinKey + Shift + Seta para baixo  = maximiza verticalmente A fun��o de grudar a janela em cada um dos lados � muito valiosa em monitores widescreen: faz...