Download Free PC Game Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box

Download Free PC Game Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box

Download Free PC Game Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box�An open world isnt necessarily something youd expect from a racing game. Yet thats exactly what Eden Games did with Test Drive Unlimited, and its what Criterion has done with Burnout Paradise. Around the fictional setting of Paradise City cars are meant to be smashed, shortcuts and super jumps discovered, and multiple routes toward the same finish line exploited. Winning challenges nets you new rides and better licenses to take on more difficult challenges, making for an extensive offline component and a much different type of feel for a game like this. While some issues inherent in any open world are present in Paradise City, the overall experience provides for some great entertainment, particularly for the sector of the PC crowd who has yet to try a Burnout title.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Paradise made its first appearance on Microsofts Xbox 360 and Sonys PlayStation 3 in January of 2008, and since then, the games have been expanded with several downloadable packs. All the content so far, including a day / night cycle in the world, a collection of bikes, and additional online challenges, is built into the Ultimate Box version for the PC. Theres also an option to restart events in the game, meaning you dont have to drive all the way back to the starting area if you want to try one again like was the case with the original release, which certainly makes things more convenient.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

The city itself isnt a metropolis teeming with life--you wont see pedestrians wandering around or anything like that--but theres plenty of traffic on the roads and shortcuts to discover as you freely drive around. While in the confines of your car you can pull up at stoplights to trigger events of different types, like stunt challenges, races, marked man (reach a finish line while other drivers try to smash you to bits) and road rage (destroy a set number of cars within a time limit) events, as well as timed runs. The cars that eventually become available fall into the categories of speed, stunt, and aggressive types, and all have their own specific statistics and styles of handling that make unlocking and testing them all out worthwhile.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

One of the franchises trademarks is the boosting system, a meter that builds as you drive dangerously, which works differently across the three types of cars. For instance, speed type cars can only trigger boost once the meter is full, aggressive cars can extend their meters by taking down opponents, and stunt cars earn more by doing tricks. With each car type, the boost provides a sensational acceleration that propels you forward at ridiculous rates. Criterion does an excellent job here of conveying a sense of speed to the player as the environment zips by, and with some practice youll be able to keep things under control for the most part thanks to the systems overall responsiveness and solid feel. Whenever you do lose control and crash into a guardrail, passing traffic, or other racer, youre treated to a slow-motion scene of intricate vehicular destruction. While you may be cursing because the crash cost you time, broke a stunt combo, or dropped your race position, the slasher film-like brutality of the wrecks is still fascinating to watch.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Whats lost in Paradise City is the feeling of structured challenge youd get if the events were isolated instead of incorporated into an open world. When racing theres no specific path you need to follow in the game, which certainly has its strengths. If youve spent the time exploring, learning the shortcuts or the best roads to follow, youll have a much easier time reaching the finish line. Itll be a while before getting to that point, however, since the city is a dense place. Shortcut routes are clearly marked with blinking yellow gates and jumps with bright blue, but where exactly theyll emerge takes some getting used to. Its fairly common to be speeding along and hitting a shortcut you think will easily get you to your destination more quickly, then emerging on the other side going the wrong way or on a road from which itll take far too long to find your way back, forcing a restart. Once youve learned the ins and outs of the shortcuts this isnt as much of an issue, but in the meantime its a better idea to stick to the streets.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Navigation is made easier through a few tutorials when you start up as well as a minimap, blinking turn signals and street signs as you race around. The signals adjust for your current position in the city, lighting up recommended paths to the finish line, though again theres a learning curve here as some of the turns come up so fast that theyre easy to miss, especially if youre boosting. Once you know the city and its surrounding countryside and can rely more on memory and intuition to navigate than on the interface, everythings much easier.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

With more free-form events like stunt runs and takedown challenges, youre free to go pretty much anywhere within the time limits, making navigation less of an issue. Since theyre all open challenges that dont follow a pre-determined route, things can become a little repetitive after a while. The challenges themselves dont really change, instead the required point or takedown totals continually increase, meaning in the case of something like the stunt runs youll find it best to combo chain your way over to an area you know to yield big returns instead of experimenting. Starting positions for the events do alter depending on which traffic light you use as a kick-off point, but the way each plays out tends to feel quite similar, especially when replaying events already completed for higher level licenses.

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

When not engaged with traffic light challenges there are a few other things you can do, aside from explore. On every stretch of road a record time can be put down, and at any time the games Showtime mode can be initiated. Series veterans will be disappointed to know that this mode replaces the structured, puzzle-like crash modes of the franchises past, and its randomness proves nowhere near as satisfying. Once Showtime is started your car barrel-rolls down the asphalt and, by smashing into traffic, you can bounce around more to accumulate points and multipliers. While the modes mindless action can be entertaining as a momentary diversion, its not something thatll keep your attention for any extended period of time.

�Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Video Trailer�


Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box PC Requirements

OS: Windows XP/Vista / Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista) / Memory: 1 GB (1.5 GB for Vista) / Hard Drive: 4 GB Free / Video Memory: 128 MB (Shader Model 3.0+) / Sound Card: DirectX Compatible / DirectX: 9.0c or 10

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