20533 Accessing myGK and signing up for your Azure Pass

20533 Accessing myGK and signing up for your Azure Pass

Here are a few instructions that can help you get up and running quickly in our Global Knowledge online class

We strongly suggest that you use 2 screens or 2 full computers for this online experience.

On Day 1 we will have one simple learning goal - Module 1 = "Introduction to Azure"

However, there are a few things we must put in place to settle into our learning environment:

1. Courseware
2. Labs
3  Sign up for Azure 

Your courseware is provided in electronic format and accessed online via "Skillpipe"

Your labs will be performed using a virtual machine called MIA-CL1 accessed via "Learn on Demand"

You should perform the tutorial shown to familiarize yourself with the Lab Machine.  Also, take some time to adjust the screen resolution and perhaps zoom with your browser to get the most from your screen "real estate"

Now that you know your way around the "Learn on Demand" menus you should access the actual Lab Machine as shown

Accessing Azure

NOTE: all these steps can be performed inside your Learning Lab Machine.  However, you can access Azure from practically any browser and location 

To learn Azure we have supplied a student voucher which provides $100 credit.  This is yours to manage and GK will not provide any more credit - it is vital that you follow the course guidelines to manage your available spending limit (for example: resetting your azure lab at the end of the day so that credit is not wasted overnight)

Instructions to activate your credit are as follows:

Create a free Outlook.com email account.

a) do NOT use your work Azure or MSDN for these labs as the scripts are DESTRUCTIVE.
b) do NOT use your work email for these classes - you will be spammed.

visit www.outlook.com
sign out of any existing account and sign up for a new email address

You may need to provide several names until you find a unique address.  It will be useful to have a cell phone handy to receive text messages.  If this is not possible or desirable there are other ways to have your email confirmed (see your instructor).

Once you have created the new email address you will be taken to the welcome page for outlook

We can now use these credentials to sign up for your free Azure trial.

Go to 

Enter your activation code (supplied in myGK)

If you have difficulty with your code (e.g. expired message) you can contact GK or MS for support

It will take about 5 mins to fully set up your Azure account.

You should then get a confirmation email in your Outlook.com email - you can always use this as a link to your Azure resources

You may also want to take some time to peruse the Azure documentation site:

Congratulations!  You can now begin to explore Azure.  We will continue to explore in Module 1



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