20532 Day 4

20532 Day 4

Day 4
m2 (instructions) =
- Host in Azure VM..Server 2012 R2
- VS Community 2015
- Azure SDK 2.4 (then 2.6)
- Azure PS

(if time) show powershell to prep for Day 5
Show IDE and Azure PS module
*** NOTE > show difference of modes (classic vs resource

- show how to switch and why
bring back videos or screenshots
- Service Bus
- Storage

m13 (high level view)..work down the stack?
..works with VS community 2015
..problem with newer version of Azure SDK > fix = install 2.6
..also watch references for "new portal" and "management portal"

something for everyone here:
- Lev and Co .. logging component
- Amila and Co .. Service Bus component (storage queues vs

SB type)
- Everyone else .. Website and Cloud Service
- Nahim and Co .. noSQL

The On-prem app has 2 parts..
- Administration (private web app)
- Events (public web app)

These must be migrated to Azure.
The cloud components are:
- Database
- Service Bus
- Storage Account
you will also need the Connection Strings
Azure Db uses URL and creds
Websites use publish string
SAS = Shared Access Signature

Suggested env:
- Use host for Azure portals
- Use GK VM for VS and Docs
Preview Portal = portal.azure.com
DB, Storage
Management Portal = manage.windowsazure.com
Service Bus

Deploy ASP.NET Project to Web App slot
Deploy Cloud Project to Cloud Service slot

Then we will change the logging to verbose and view
the streaming logs

How could you improve this process?
- Powershell for creating the Azure slots
- Automate the extraction of the Azure creds to add new


Team 1
- Automate the creation of Azure Web slots using Azure

Powershell (m10)

Team 2
- Automate the creation of Azure Web slots using RG template


Each team should:
- Present the solution (choose someone) - ppt, written,

- Organize themselves (project manager, development

methodology, team)
- 10:40 till lunch to prepare .. more time after lunch if

both teams agree[15 mins to present after lunch]



opportunity to automate
traditional hooks
- portals > classic, new .. difference is RM
- powershell > scripting, infrastucture, workflow
- SCORCH + Powershell = graphical workflows
- RG Templates > massive "tin-canned" multi-component
- use PS to define other interface (Node.js, Java)
e.g. if you "think" in another language

use other languages to talk to azure

some practical issues in deployment can be solved with code
- finding an available name for a slot
(loop, random)
(commandlets that return true/false)
- automated response to conditions (normally scaling but
also fixes, restarts etc.)


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