20532 Custom Onsite for OTPP

20532 Custom Onsite for OTPP


Hi Derrick,
It was nice talking to you yesterday. Thank you for the offer to

tailor the training for our needs!

I confirmed that we use ASP.NET v4 and MVC 5

Summary of OTPP structure:
Member Services (Serve teachers)
Investment IT (Serve traders, codify business logic)

This group is Investment Division (only)..Internal systems vs Outward Facing (Member Services)

Levs project uses tibco platform
- Integration management
- Event driven
BI team

roberto (3 yrs) > Enterprise Data Program
lev (3 yrs) - shared services, IT Efficiency
use cases..logging project, 6 months [apps, no system yet] 4 month
window, In memory, Sun/Oracle, 1000 trans/sec..improve retrieval
time, remove old logs vs keep them and archive, cloud > return

"Service Now"
Tibco (tibco.com)
ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)
Some integration..was Biztalk (retired)
Seth (Manager), jason/cherry - azure.. Dev MS platforms > Trade efficiency

Jason (skill set) - (pseudo code) .. PHP, Javascript, HTML5, CSS.

Amile/Jin/David  > Total Fund
High burst app
1000s of compute nodes
looking at "Batch" (may need more)
produce own data..from BOR
Excel 2013 tools (Power Query, Power View Power Pivot)

Namir/Patrick > Risk Reports (consume data, generate

Tony > Data Warehouse.. VAR vs ETL, HPLM

David > Total Fund (Sources for Cube/Reports)
Var vs ETL
Variable Costing vs Full Costing
standard 3 layer financial system

Kevin > Book of Records (Back End..RM, trading systems)

I have a hierarchy diagram
I need a flow diagram

Course Summary:

13 modules

related courses:
20533/2 > Infrastructure (DevOps) vs Developer
20486, 20487 > MVC vs Azure Web Apps (Specific)
Note: updates for VS 2015
Intro to Azure (Infra vs Dev)
20480 > HTML 5
20483 > C#

compare other platforms:
- AWS, vCloud, IBM, Google
- Tenanted
- Private options > Azure Pack/Stack
- Sharepoint, DCRM
- SaaS > O365, CRM, Intune
- PaaS > CloudService, SQL
- See "trends" in 20533

test labs in VS 2015/2013
faster way to get started



set expectations
who are you? role, why here?
previous experience with:
- Azure
- other cloud
- Virt

Day 1

m1 - Azure overview
additional resources: Blog, Companion
Classic Portal
New Portal
Cloud services vs Resource Groups

m2 - Build Dev environment (time consuming)
alternative sandbox
- blog entry (x3 ways)

Day 2
m3 - Build and deploy an ASP.NET web app in Azure (any)
- Start with an "on-prem" version
- By the end of the course you will have migrated the whole thing

Day 3
Recall: GUIs and Versions, Web Hosting - Website vs CloudService
Storage > Blob, Queue, Table, DB virt vd DB hosted
Azure VM vs other virt (Network, VM, Global vs local), Backup
Other pieces > Automation (Batch, Chef/Puppet, SCORCH), Comms

Q - what is Powershell?
from deploy options (See webapplication2 on local)

Q - What is a Cloud service

Plan today
m4 - Azure options for SQL and EF

m5 - Resiliency

m6 - Introduce "worker role"

Day 4
m7 - noSQL data and storage options

m8 - Blob and File storage

m9 - Queues, Service Bus, WCF

m10  - VMs and VNETs

Day 5
m11 - Automation

m12 - Identity

m13 - Deploy to the cloud, continuous deployment

Intro blog entry
See MVA refs

Q - Azure Batch
A - See links
Q - HDInsight
A - BI Course
Q- Service Bus
A - module 9 (Day 4)

Q - PowerBI
A - BI Course

*** other questions for parking lot?

Day 2
Focus on "Intro to Azure"

Draw - Dev environment .. Access
Draw - Dev environment .. 3 ways
Draw - Accessing Azure apps: VS, PS + GUIss

*** initiate download of VS Community (note add-ons), ASP.NET, Azure SDK
(all in GK test machine)

Demo "Build a Web App" and "Deploy" .. Cloud App coming tomorrow

Remote access for VM
I used student..new MS for my server



Final goal (module 13)

Deployment planning:
Web Slot
Publish file
SQL connection string
SAS connection string
Web.Config transformation file
Deploy a cloud service
Deploy a website


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