3D cube effects in Ubuntu Linux

3D cube effects in Ubuntu Linux

This will enable the 3D desktop cube in Ubuntu Classic mode, to enable the 3D desktop with Ubuntu unity see 3D Desktop cube with ubuntu unity.

To get the Ubuntu Linux 3D Desktop cube and other Ubuntu desktop effects.
First you need to install the compiz.It can be install by either of the two ways. But I recommend Synaptic manager as other plug-ins need to be install.

In terminal paste the command .
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager.
Or open the synaptic manager.Click on Search icon and search Compiz. In the appear list select compizconfig-settings-manager and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra.Second plugin for other Ubuntu desktop effects.
To apply this 3D cube desktop effects.Open up the Compiz Setting Manager via System->Preferences->CompizConfig Settings Manager.
Follow the following steps.
1. You need 4 workspaces or Desktop for cube effects.In compiz settings manager select General options -> Desktop Size under General  tab. Set Horizontal Virtual size
to 4. Set Vertical Virtual size and Number of Desktop to 1. 
2.Enable Desktop Cube,Rotate cube,3D windows and Cube reflection and deformation.Enable all other plugins if any window appears asking for supporting plugin to be enabled.

3.Goto Desktop cube->Transparent Cube and set Opacity during rotation to 75 or as per your convenience.

4.Goto  Cube Reflection and Deformation -> Deformation. set Deformation to  none. You can change the image appearing at top and bottom of cube in Cube Caps tab.
5.Goto Rotate Cube->Bindings->Rotate cube.See if binding is default set to
<control><Alt>Left and <control><Alt>Right or change it as your desire.

And Hurray Rotate your Desktop .To rotate desktop using mouse select Left mouse button<control><Alt>and move your cursor to get the effects.

 How to set the fire effects as shown in screen shots.

In Compiz setting manager.Follow following steps.

1.In setting window goto Paint fire on screen. Enable it.
2.In General tab select the initiate key,no of particles and other fields given.
And you are ready to play.  


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