Business calender For professionals

Business calender For professionals

App of the day : Business Calendar
Price : Free & 75Rs paid version.
Developer : Appgenix Software
Aimed users :For those who want professional calendar quality on their Android phone.

Sometimes, if you are within a business environment, a basic calendar is just not good enough. This app looks to handle your schedule no matter how frantic your day might be.
Business Calender provides up to 14 days of calendar with several views focused on the likes of Agenda, Day or Month, or Events, along with a valuable search function for those complex busy periods. The drag-and-drop facility is especially useful at these times to speed up the interface. You can also link a contact to an event to further speed up your work.
Other aspects of the app are just as useful such as the configurable widgets, which are available in different sizes. Also, users who may have found other calendar apps rather clunky during the sync process should be impressed by the same operation when using Business Calendar.

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