WiFi Tether Network Share WIFI Tethering APK v8 6 4 86400 Ad Free

WiFi Tether - Network Share & WIFI Tethering APK v8.6.4_86400 [Ad-Free]
Requirements: Android v2.2 and above | * ROOT * is required!
Updated:november 8, 2014

System Share App , full impart your system!

***********root is Required!******************

System Share & WIFI Tether . for Android WIFI tying

Impart your 3g/4g Internet association with Windows, Ps3,Mac OS X,Wii, Ubuntu, Xbox. No tie charges.

Customers can join through wifi or bluetooth and get access to the web utilizing the portable association

(4g, 3g, 2g) or (on the off chance that you are utilizing bluetooth) the wireless association which is made by the handset.


- Share Internet association
- LAN setups
- Access Control
- 1-Click WIFI Tether Widget
- Battery Temperature
- WIFI association logs
- WIFI Tether setups
- Automatic shutdown choices
- Notifications setups
Download Instructions:


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